Accelerating Your Success Blog

Clarity, Confidence and Commitment to take you to your next level! 

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Glory of Divine

It’s been over a month since I “launched” myself into my own Accelerated Success program. If I stayed the course week by week, I would be five weeks in. And, I have a whole circle of allies watching me succumb to the inner voice of critic, perfectionist, pleaser and terrified little girl. Mother Superior, Polly Perfect, June Cleaver, and Tightrope Walker.

I’ve identified and gotten more in touch with the power, wisdom and ultimate trust of Eagle of Grace and the...

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Five Power Pillars to Propel You Into 2020

The last day of a calendar year is always a poignant reminder that the clock is ticking on our lives. Funny how we wait for the stroke of midnight 12/31 to choose to step forth into our higher aspirations. Funny, but also fantastic, because we need to use anything and everything to summon our courage to live our most powerful life NOW!

The turning of any meaningful calendar page can be our impetus to action. As I teach and coach people throughout the year, we always begin with vision and...

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