Adapting to Connect

Stories, Examples, Tools and Resources to Build Better Relationships, Teams, and Organizations

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The Surprising Power of Presence

Uncategorized Sep 20, 2024

The Power of Presence

Recently, my daughter and I attended a Guest Chef Night in Seattle, supporting the nonprofit, FareStart. We were being served by volunteer community members and FareStart students learning on-the-job skills to help them achieve stability and economic mobility. About half-way through the incredible meal and service, a senior executive of FareStart gathered the attention of the dining room to deliver some brief remarks about the organization and its mission. Apparently,...

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How Self Aware Are You?

Each week, I reflect on the themes that emerged through the individual and team coaching conversations I was privileged to support. At the high level, the themes almost always revolve around relationships and communication. And most of the time, the conversations begin focused on “the other”. As we explore situations and circumstances, the dialogue often shifts to “the self”. The journey of self-awareness never ends, and it is typically where the most powerful...

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If AI Can Help My Boss Communicate - I'm In!

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2024

Have you ever wondered what most leaders and managers spend their coaching hours talking about?

Most companies invest in executive coaching to help the leader or manager “improve through professional development”. Accordingly, the intake session is focused on clarifying goals and outcomes for success. So, what are the big winner goals for leaders and managers? 

  1. Public speaking
  2. Influencing (especially without authority)
  3. Improving executive presence
  4. Promotion strategies
  5. ...
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